Mercury Free and Mercury Safe Dentists

Natural Holistic SymbolIf you are trying to avoid having mercury placed in your teeth, or are considering having mercury fillings removed, you may be trying to find a dentist that doesn’t use mercury and follows removal procedures that protect you from excessive unnecessary exposure.  The easiest way to find a dentist committed to protecting you from mercury exposure via dental fillings is to look for a dentist that is a member of an organization that prohibits the use of mercury fillings and requires certain safety protocols when removing them.

One such organization is International Association of Mercury Safe Dentists (IAMSD).  Members of this organization are committed to not using mercury amalgam fillings and to follow procedures that minimize the release of mercury when removing the fillings.

The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology is an organization that promotes the use of biocompatible materials in dental procedures.  The organization is actively encouraging the FDA to ban the use of mercury fillings.

The international Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine is an organization dedicated to educating dentists and other health practitioners about the science behind biological dentistry.  The organization’s philosophy centers on the idea that a patient is not a collection of parts that can be treated separately.

The Institute of Nutritional Dentistry and the Institute of Systemic Dentistry are somewhat unique in their focus on nutrition in the prevention of oral health issues.  The organizations host frequent seminars on new technologies, nutrition, and biocompatible materials, among other topics.

The Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies is a teaching institution that educates and trains dentistry students in the most current dental procedures, including cosmetic dentistry.  The majority of graduates from the institution do not use mercury in their practices.  Dentists who graduate from the Las Vegas Institute are highly adept at removing mercury fillings and replacing them with more biocompatible materials.

The Holistic Dental Association is one of the more comprehensive organizations that focuses on encouraging dental practices that promote overall patient health.  Over the past several years, patients are insisting on taking charge of their own health and the Holistic Dental Association strives to empower patients to take responsibility for their own well-being.

If you’ve been looking for a dentist that is mercury free and mercury safe, look for a dentist who is a member of one or more of these organizations.  No matter who you choose, be sure to choose someone you feel comfortable with.

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What You Need to Know About Holistic Dentistry

Dental flush - woman flossing teeth smilingHolistic dentistry is an approach to oral health that focuses on materials and techniques that are beneficial to the patient’s overall physical and emotional health as opposed to treating the oral cavity as separate from the rest of the person.  Holistic dentists integrate natural therapies with more conventional dentistry in order to prevent, diagnose, and treat disease and injury of the teeth and gums.

Conventional dentistry tends to focus almost solely on the mouth and, as a result, often uses materials and procedures that may be harmful to the patient.  Many people are aware that silver amalgam fillings contain mercury, but few are aware that the mercury content of amalgam is 50% by weight or that waste material gets into the groundwater..  Even fewer are aware that bacteria can enter the bloodstream as a result of routine gum cleaning.  This can be avoided with the use of natural antibacterial solutions.

Holistic dentists operate on the notion that oral health and physical health are inextricably linked.  Conditions of the oral cavity have a direct influence on many aspects of a person’s overall health, and many diseases can be detected by early symptoms that present in the mouth.  In fact, gum disease is present in 95% of diabetics and pregnant women with gum disease have increased risk of premature delivery.  Research has also shown that gum disease increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.  Poor oral health can also aggravate depression and interfere with social interactions.

Holistic dentists may advise their patients to quit smoking, reduce their alcohol consumption, or improve their diet, knowing that these lifestyle changes can all positively influence oral health.  Specific practices vary among holistic dentists.  Some discourage the use of fluoride, feeling the risks of cancer and bone disease outweigh any benefits.  Some even believe the proposed benefits of fluoride are exaggerated.  They may also oppose fluoridating the water supply, viewing the practice as forced medication of the public.  Many do not perform root canals, as the procedure can trap bacteria inside the tooth and cause long term harm.  Most use alternative materials, such as resin, for filling cavities.  Some reduce radiation exposure by using digital x-rays in place of traditional x-rays.

There are no regulations specific to holistic dentistry and any dentist can use the holistic label, even if they don’t really follow holistic practices.  Likewise, not all dentists who follow holistic practices use the holistic label.  Do not be afraid to ask questions, do your research, and find a dentist that you are comfortable, whether convention, holistic, or somewhere in between.

More informative articles on the subject at

Learn more about Botulinum Toxin A

Cosmetic botox injectionMany complicated scientific terms are used all of the time, and one of them is Botulinum Toxin A. Many people have no idea what it actually means, and how it can help them. If you would like to learn a little bit more about Botulinum Toxin A, then here is a wonderful short guide about this chemical that has transformed the way that thousands of people around the world:

  1. Although Botulinum Toxin A has the word ‘toxin’ in it, when used by medical practitioners it has been chemically combined with other chemicals to make it less potent – so that it can help people in many different ways.
  2. Botulinum Toxin A was first described as the ‘sausage poison’ as it was first discovered by a scientist who noticed that it would always appear in badly kept meat!
  3. Although Botox is often the only known use of Botulinum Toxin A, there are many other uses of this chemical. Many people will have Botulinum Toxin Atreatments in order to help them with medical conditions such as frequent migraines.
  4. However, migraines are not the only medical condition that can be helped through the careful use of Botulinum Toxin A. Those that suffer with back pain, and nerve pain in other parts of their body can have Botulinum Toxin A injections to relieve that pain.
  5. Botulinum Toxin A is still being studied so that hopefully we can learn more about this incredible chemical, so that we can help more people in different ways in the future.

There may be many things about Botulinum Toxin A that you were not aware of. If one of the uses of Botulinum Toxin A has surprised you, then it is definitely time for you to consider talking to a doctor about how Botulinum Toxin A can help you.

Doctors learn how to inject Botulinum Toxin A here

More information about Botulinum Toxin A

A morning toothpaste routine

BLD029665What is your morning routine like? Everyone has a slightly different one, even if they live together or are related. We all like to approach the day from a different angle, having done things in a different order or just ignoring some things altogether. Some people will go for a run before breakfast, and some will not even have breakfast at all. Some like to read their emails, some a newspaper. Whatever your morning routine is, we would assume that at some point in that routine you brush your teeth with a great toothpaste that does you a lot of good – but for most people, that simply isn’t true.

What many people do not realise is that the toothpaste that they use day in, day out, is actually really harmful. That is because manufacturers of toothpaste do not tell their customers that they use harmful ingredients such as propylene glycol, which is an active ingredient in antifreeze, or triclosan, which is scientifically classed as a pesticide. You would not normally want to go anywhere near these two chemicals, and yet both of them can be found in most toothpastes in your local store. It is disgusting, and slightly frightening, but that is the truth of the matter.

Perhaps it is time to change your morning routine. Making your own toothpaste at home is a really easy and relaxing thing to do, and you can even do it in the evening whilst watching the television. The large batch you make, the longer it will last for you, and many people find that they can make their own toothpaste and it will last weeks. With only five ingredients, and all of them completely natural, it is a wonder that more people are not introducing a natural, safe, homemade toothpaste into their morning routine.


San Diego Dental Health

courtesy of  Brighton Dental San Diego

San Diego Dental SymbolFor those that live in the San Diego area, listen up! There are many people that live within the San Diego area that are not taking their dental health seriously. Although we live in the United States of America, many believe that they do not need to consider their dental health very seriously. However, the very opposite is true: it does not take long for a person’s dental health to start to disintegrate when they stop looking after themselves. The trouble is that many people do not realise just how dangerous the situation can be.

By the time that we reach adulthood, we are in possession of the one set of teeth that we are going to be given, and we need to make sure that those teeth last for as long as possible in the best of health for as long as possible. Through the drinking of coffee and red wine constantly, our teeth can lose their enamel protection. This can allow decay can get in, and a bacterial infection can be incredibly painful for someone especially if it spreads from one tooth to another. Before you know it, you can start to lose teeth, and that is something that you can never change.

Thankfully, there are many different San Diego dentists that understand that it is very important for someone to have good dental health. They want to encourage you that just a few simple changes would dramatically change the health of your teeth, and they want to help you with that. It will not be difficult to find an excellent San Diego dental health practitioner, and they could really help you. Even if you do not think that your teeth do not need the extra attention, it is much better to be safe than sorry.

Read about restoring your chipped tooth in San Diego